Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jumaat atau Friday

Seperti mana yang kita tahu di dalam agama islam hari jumaat atau Friday adalah penghulu segala hari iaitu hari jang penuh bermakna daripada sekelian hari di dalam satu minggu,jumaat atau Friday sememang nya dikenali sebagai hari yang penuh bermakna dan misteri juga kepada banyak pengamal agama-agama lain di seluruh dunia

Mari kita sama-sama menghayati petikan dibawah ini sebagai satu pengetahuaan bukanlah sebagai ikutan

The Jewish Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday and lasts until nightfall on Saturday.

In Christianity Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus.

Traditionally, Roman Catholics were obliged to refrain from eating the meat of land animals on Fridays, although fish was allowed. Since the Second Vatican Council, abstention from meat is restricted to Fridays in Lent, as well as Ash Wednesday. Roman Catholic canon law still requires Catholics to practice a work of penance for all Fridays throughout the year, whether abstinence from meat or other food, or some work of charity or other pious exercise.[2] Some Traditionalist Catholics voluntarily continue to practice every-Friday abstinence. Some Anglo-Catholics also practice abstinence either on all Fridays or on Fridays in Lent. More generally, traditional Anglican Prayer Books prescribe weekly Friday abstinence for all Anglicans [3] [4].

The Eastern Orthodox Church continues to observe Fridays (as well as Wednesdays) as fast days throughout the year (with the exception of several fast-free periods during the year. Fasting on Fridays entails abstinence from meat or meat products (i.e., four-footed animals), poultry and dairy products. Unless a feast day occurs on a Friday, the Orthodox also abstain from using oil in their cooking and from alcoholic beverages (there is some debate over whether abstention from oil involves all cooking oil or only olive oil). For the Orthodox, Fridays throughout the year commemorate the Crucifixion of Christ and the Theotokos (Mother of God), especially as she stood by the foot of the cross. There are hymns in the Octoekhos which reflect this liturgically. These include Theotokia (hymns to the Mother of God) which are chanted on Wednesdays and Fridays called Stavrotheotokia ("Cross-Theotokia"). The dismissal at the end of services on Fridays begin with the words: "May Christ our true God, through the power of the precious and life-giving cross...."

Quakers traditionally refer to Friday as "Sixth Day" eschewing the pagan origins of the name. In Slavic countries, it is called "Fifth Day" (Polish piątek, Russian пятница – pyatnitsa).

In Islam, Friday is the day of public worship in mosques (see Friday prayers). In some Islamic countries, the week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday, just like the Jewish and Christian week. In most other Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday. Friday is also the day of rest in the Bahá'í Faith.[2]

In Thailand, the color associated with Friday is blue, see Thai solar calendar.

Memang pelik dikatakan bahawa jumaat atau Friday menyimpan 1001 rahsia.banyak lagi perkara yang belum kita ketahui jadi jangan lah kita mensia-siakan hari-hari kita dengan aktiviti yang tidak berfaedah,kepada semua pembaca yang budiman jadikan lah hari anda satu pengalaman ytang sungguh bermakna dan bukan lah setu perkara yang dikesali untuk diingati seumur hidup kita


Terima kasih

By day time

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